Every year, my friend Amy throws the most epic Christmas party you can imagine.
The whole thing started in 2008 when she decided to create her own version of the Christmas party. The stars must have aligned that night because something was birthed out of the whole experience that will forever ruin me on cookie-cutter Christmas parties.
Okay, it wasn’t that the stars just aligned. To be fair, Amy put in a lot of work, but my point is that I don’t even think she was expecting it to become the thing it’s become. Now, in its fifth year, she must have over one hundred people cycling through her house throughout the night and enough food and treats to feed a small army. This year, helped Amy with her food prep a couple days before the party.
I even made some of my own contributions:
Classic cherry pie
Almond cheese ball pine cones–I combined the best parts of these two recipes (#1 and #2) to make my own yummy concoction.
Plus, her charming 1800s era house looks like something out of a Pottery Barn magazine thanks to her construction/interior design talents.
If there ever was an occasion for black gloves, this party would be it.
But the best part of the whole thing, the one thing that has cemented this party into legend status is the singing. Five years ago, Amy’s sister and mother-in-law attended the party. Both these ladies are well-versed in music. Also, there was a piano, and I was game. Christmas tunes were played and three-part harmony was happening. And right about that time, the first snow of 2008 started to fall. Soon, others started joining in, and before you knew it, we were a jolly, laughing mess of Christmas cheer. And since my friend Amy has a hankering for a good Christmas tune or two, it’s been a tradition we’ve since perpetuated. Now, S usually plays the piano, Amy’s dad plays guitar, and the rest of us honk out the Christmas songs.
Here’s the thing about Americans and singing: we’re all about it when we’re cranking K$sha in our cars ALONE or in the shower ALONE, but when it comes to singing in front of others, all of a sudden, oh no! We’re far too proper and dignified for all of that. And yet, there’s something within us that yearns for the feeling of connectedness and camaraderie a communal sing produces. The other day, I heard on the radio that Christmas caroling around the neighborhood is dead and outdated. I nearly called the radio station up and gave them a piece of my mind. We want to sing–we’re just scared and self-conscious. Amy’s annual Christmas party isn’t about sounding good or showcasing how refined your voice is. It’s about honking out the lyrics “FIVE GOLDEN RINGS” at the top of your lungs and hitting the high note right along with the person next to you during “O Holy Night.” It’s about laughing at how good it feels to be in a room with some of your best friends in all the world and loving them all the more when they sing a wrong note.
It’s about community and remembrance.
Some of my very best friends. Our lovely hostess, Amy, is sitting on the left.
This year, for the first time ever, someone actually documented our party, but it took another blogger to do it. Lisa Moore of MooreMinutes.com actually took pictures for her blog, and because I can’t seem to remember to take pictures to save my life, I’ve shared her pictures with you. These lovely images are courtesy of Lisa.